Both JTAG and SPI programmers can be used to update the Consolizer’s firmware. The *.MCS firmware file is used for JTAG programmers and the *.BIN file is used for SPI programmers. Details of how to use specific programming devices is not covered here, the user should consult their programming devices user guide.
Citurs3000psi made a vid on how to do the GCDual firmware and it’s the same for GBAConsolizer!
Almost done working out things with the fab, had to change some EOL parts. Pre orders will start soon! This case was custom made for @MetalJesusRocks as a thank you.
Transparent RED Saturn case is also available for pre order!
BUT I don’t have proper pics of it yet so i just color swapped a pic to make it look like a trans red case. It will be the same plastic as the DC trans red case.
It was obvious to me this needed to be one of the iterations of the Rexus PSUs and pics prove he’s close to working it out! I also want to fit just the board in the pocket of the console and secure with a 3d print and or plexi!