Power LED:

I can do a few different mods here. The easy: LED single color any where on the console, or a color changing LED, like this one.
$5 for single color LED.
$7 for color changing LED.

Or I can have the green power switch light up! Will get pics soon.
$25 for LED lit power slider switch.

Region mod:

In order to play Japanese games you have to have a converter, sometimes you can find them on ebay, but not cheap.
OR, you can have the converter built in and switch between US and JP with the push of a button.


If your system won’t power on and you’re sure the a/c adapter is good then the internal fuse could be blown, easy fix.

No audio or no video:
Same cause for both problems, bad capacitors. I haven’t done a full cap replacement yet so I don’t yet have a price for the service.


Coming Soon:

Bigger Screen:
It is possible to install a 3.5″ lcd in place of the original that is already LED backlit and has much better resolution. I just need time to try it out and get geared up for it.

Chip type Region Mod:
This will be a small circuit board inside the console with a small external switch used to change regions.
This will replace the pushbutton mod.