The Lil’ WHITE RAM expansion plugs into your Bally, and allows you to play even more games on your Ulti-Multi cart.
There are 2 knockout panels on the back of your Bally (see before and after pics). Remove them both, and plug in your LWR to unlock the power of your GaMBIT’s Ulti-Multi cart! The power wire plugs on to your light pen connector. The left pin on your light pen connector is the 5 volt line, so make sure you plug in the power wire so the wire matches up with that pin. You may want to clean your 50 pin connector with a bit of rubbing alcohol and a q-tip to ensure good contact.
Set your Ulti-Multi to the game you want to play requiring RAM expansion, and hit RESET. Then adjust the switches on your Ulti-Multi to 00011111 (it will display this on your screen) and hit the “+” on your keypad. It will tell you to hit the “=”, but in BASIC, “=” is the “+” on your keypad. If you have a BASIC overlay, you can see that.
If you do not have the orange light pen connector as shown in the motherboard picture, please contact me before buying this item!