v7.31 pcbs
The letter designates a pad group identified on the pcb back.
The numbers are the pads to be solder bridged.
In this pic E has none, F and G have 1-2 bridged.
Mirroring is usually opposite of what is reported by rom prep programs, so if it says vertical mirroring you’ll likely solder it horizontal.
Mapper controlled mirroring (MCM) is used on the A*ROM games.
Use middle pad and bridge to pad marked for what the game needs, pic shows horizontal mirroring:
Note this missing silkscreen error:
74*161 and 74*32 identifiers are missing on the pcbs, they should read like this:
It is recommended to use one board to test with, add sockets to the board so you can test the burned ICs before permanently soldering them to a pcb.
Also, be sure to add .1uF capacitors (thru hole or 0805 smd) next to each IC installed.
These are the small yellow chicklets to the right of each socket in above pic.
Lastly a pull up resistor or 10k was added to prg pin 31 for use in programming a flash IC with the Kazzo dumper, this is still untested but the resistor does need to be populated even if you’re not going to do this.
Group A = PA14
Group B = PA15 and PA17 and CHR CS2 to 74161
Group C = PA16 and CHR WE to 74161
Group D = CHR pin 1 of 32
Group E = PRG pin 1 of 32
Group F = PRG pin 3 of 32
Group G = PRG pin 30 of 32
Group H = PD3-PD5 to 74161
Group J = CHR pin 1 of 32
Group K = CHR pin 29 of 32
nrom – fixed mirroring (H or V)
A 1-2
B none
C none
D 2-3
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2
28 pin – no jumpers
F 1-2
G 1-2
H none
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it’s a flash chip that pin 1 needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K 1-2
cnrom – fixed mirroring (H or V) – add 74*161 IC
A 2-3
B 2-3
C 3-4; 32 pins 1-2
D 2-3
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2
28 pin – no jumpers
F 1-2
G 1-2
H 1-2; 4-5
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it’s a flash chip that pin 1 needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K no jumpers
panesian cnrom – fixed mirroring (H or V) – add 74*161 IC
A 2-3
B 2-3
C 3-4; 32 pins 1-2
D 1-2
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2
28 pin – no jumpers
F 1-2
G 1-2
H 1-2; 5-6
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it’s a flash chip that pin 1 needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K no jumpers
gnrom/mhrom – fixed mirroring (H or V) – add 74*161 IC
A 2-3
B 2-3, 4-5
C 3-4, 2-5; mhrom 1-2-5
D 2-3
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2
28 pin – no jumpers
F 32 pin 2-3; 28 pin 1-2 if 32kB game, 2-3 if 64kB or more
G 1-2
H 1-2; 4-5
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it’s a flash chip that pin 1 needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K 1-2 if 128kb chp, none otherwise
aorom/amrom – mapper controlled mirroring (mcm) – add 74*161 IC
bnrom – fixed mirroring (H or V)
A 2-3
B 1-2; 3-4; 5-6
C 2-3
D 2-3
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2, if NC no jumpers
F 2-3
G 2-3
H 2-4; 5-6
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K 2-3
unrom/uorom – fixed mirroring (H or V) – add 74*161 and 74*32 ICs
Crazy Climber replaces the 74HC32 with a 74HC08, same otherwise
A none
B 1-2
C none
D 2-3
E 32 pin – check datasheet, if pin 1 needs tied high: 2-3, if low: 1-2, if NC no jumpers
F 2-3
G 2-3
H 2-3; 5-6
J 28pin chips no jumpers, 32 pins check datasheet usually pull high (1-2)
if it needs pulled low jumper 2-3
K 2-3
I started a forum thread on NesDev for people to ask questions about this project as I want it all to be accessible for all who are looking for similar answers to common problems as I just dont’ have time to write up a FAQ etc.