I’m done for today, started at 9:30am stopping now about midnight and a few long breaks means I put in nearly 11.5 hours and only 60 kits are ready to ship out in the morning! That’s crap! lol
It was a slow start though, had to figure out a database to record kit serial numbers and what emails/data/sites to use or look at and be able to keep it all straight.
The big surprise so far is how many ppl ordered pre-assembled interposers! I don’t have numbers yet, but it’s a high percentage! I ran out as I only had about 30 pairs to assemble before the sale, the rest we went ahead and sealed in esd bags as I had no clue how many ppl would want them made up by me.
It’s also obvious the front loader version of the kit will win out. I wonder if this had anything to do with the hdmi connector still being recessed on the top loader/av fami or if it’s just because there are more of those consoles out there and we will always sell more front loader kits than others.