ReproX – pcb bare

ReproX – pcb bare


This is for bare pcbs only.

Reminder: there is a $20 minimum order site wide restriction.

Out of stock


Bare pcb only.

The repro-X pcb can be used to make reproductions or new/homebrew games to play on real hardware.
It’s capable of these mappers: (click on mapper to see list of games that use it)

Simply solder the correct jumpers to use the pcb for any of the above mappers. Any size eprom, eeprom, or flash chip between 64Kb and 8Mb can be used.
The how to use the ReproX page is HERE.
Here are the videos I made about this project:
ReproX NES pcb project for discrete mappers reproductions Pt1 – initial testing
ReproX NES pcb for discrete mappers repros Pt2 – next rev testing
ReproX – final testing b4 production – crc checking

Additional information

Weight .1 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 4 × .1 in


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