I spotted one of Kevin’s nesrgb modded top loaders on ebay and took a look and was not impressed:
The switch on the 800 sticker looks terrible! Plus it’s a rare 106 version!
There’s more to the removal of course, but I won’t go in to it. We will not warrant his work for any hi-def installs so if you had plans to let him do it I suggest you find another modder.
I got an early start and was able to get out several more kits before the carrier came to pic them up.
I’m done for today, started at 9:30am stopping now about midnight and a few long breaks means I put in nearly 11.5 hours and only 60 kits are ready to ship out in the morning! That’s crap! lol
It was a slow start though, had to figure out a database to record kit serial numbers and what emails/data/sites to use or look at and be able to keep it all straight.
The big surprise so far is how many ppl ordered pre-assembled interposers! I don’t have numbers yet, but it’s a high percentage! I ran out as I only had about 30 pairs to assemble before the sale, the rest we went ahead and sealed in esd bags as I had no clue how many ppl would want them made up by me.
It’s also obvious the front loader version of the kit will win out. I wonder if this had anything to do with the hdmi connector still being recessed on the top loader/av fami or if it’s just because there are more of those consoles out there and we will always sell more front loader kits than others.
So big thanks to the ppl who stuck around and beat the crap out of their F5 key for so long!!!
This was obviously my first big sale so I had no idea what to expect as far as how well godaddy would handle the traffic etc, they failed, miserably! More on that later….
So Kevtris is now convinced, even after over a year of me trying to do so, that the kit is a big hit.
We will now try to figure out how to do the next round, it will obviously NOT be like the first round!!!!
I put the installation guides up, they are mostly finished.
I also have a page for recommended installers if you haven’t seen it.