Depending on which version you are installing there are a couple different items that need addressed on the kit main board.
1. The power switch:
A. LCD install: Simply solder on the switch and flush cut the legs on the bottom.
B. Full Case Install: Assemble the quick wire board: There is a 3D printed jig to get the LED height right here, but it’s not really needed, just solder the power switch first then stick it in the hole in the case and add the led and move it out till it hits the bottom of the hole.
NOTE: If you are going to install the optional LED (not included) you have to figure out what resistor to use on your own, go to to find out exactly what size you need.
Solder the 4″ 3 conductor ribbon cable to the kit main board pads being sure the numbers match the quick wire pcb!
2. Both versions of the kit need the SNES controller connector soldered on. Be sure to plug a controller in to the connector to help the pins stay aligned during soldering! Simply lay them upside down and flat and solder away! Cut the legs on the bottom as flush as you can to the solder fillet, I use heavier side cutters instead of flush cutters here.
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