I often find people don’t understand what the different parts of the kits are actually called so here are some visual guides, click on a pic to see in full screen:

All orders will receive these basic kit parts:

LCD version of the kit will receive these parts along with the basic kit parts:

Full case orders will receive these parts along with the basic kit parts:

Old screw together design:

A: Case plastics, main body, cart tray, and power switch cap.
B: Power switch, lock ring, nut. Quick wire pcb and 3 wire ribbon.
C: Rubber feet.
D: Pin and disc magnets.
E: 8 mounting screws. Plexi top, translucent orange shown here.

New snap together design:

Cap kit parts:

Orders including a 40/32 pin adapter will receive this adapter along with the basic kit parts:

GBAConsolizer User Manual
GBAConsolizer Installation Guides
GBAConsolizer kits’ parts Terminology
GBAConsolizer FAQ
GBAConsolizer Troubleshooting guide
GBAConsolizer known problem devices