The Hi-Def NES HDMI 1080p mod kit from Kevtris is here!

I talked Kevin in to making us an HDMI mod kit for the nes consoles since he already had most of it figured out on his Zimba 3000 system.

For sale in my SHOP!

Initial announcement video:

Kevin’s 720p video capture:
Hi-Def NES Super Mario 2 demo

There are a lot more vids, just check our channels.
There are also links to the forums threads in the description of the announcement video, this is the best way to see updates as links to new vids will be posted there as well.

Not a clone system!
Uses the nintendo’s cpu and ppu.
Fully HDMI standards compliant, tested with an HDMI analyzer.

No frame buffer so NO LAG between controller and monitor.

Using ntsc cpu/ppu: 480p, 720p, 1080p
Using pal cpu/ppu: 567p, 720p, 1080p
Kit will auto detect which chips it’s connected to.
EDID will allow only as high a res as the monitor will handle, but there is the option to turn it off and force higher res.

Aspect ratio will be user adjustable in the menu, seen as horizontal stretch in the menu.

Multiple palettes and a black & white mode will be user selectable in the menu.

Over clocking with hot keys with option to have it not mess up the sound pitch by following ppu clock instead of cpu.

User can reconfigure all hot keys.

Hot keys can be set to be read on either controller 1 or 2.

Long and short console reset via controller hot keys.

Updating firmware will be done via an “.nes” file, via flashcart etc, if necessary.

All audio is generated in the kit, so it will be %100 digital and theoretically noise free.
User will be able to control each audio source volume independently.
User will be able to pan between left and right output of each source independently.
All expansion audio chips are programmed in to the kit, simply turn the one you need on or off.
The cart or rom you’re playing does not need the actual hardware for this to work!

5 scaling options are included: HQ2X, HQ3X, HQ4X, scale 2X, and scale 3X.
Plus a bonus x-ray mode.

Several scanlines options: none, nes, 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x.
Optional 4x insead of 4.5x 1080p modes to help with scanlines as well.

A built in CopyNES is coming soon.

Easy install, desolder the cpu and ppu, add a couple wires for power, and cut out a hole using an included template .

Tested with some known problem carts, multi carts, powerpak, and everdrive.

Kit will cost $120 and installation under $100.

A couple reviews of the Hi-Def NES kit have been posted online:

Hi-Def NES

Here is a list of modders I trust to do a great job for you!

Here are the installation guides I put together.

Terminology of the parts of the kits

Hi-Def NES FAQs page

Hi-Def NES Troubleshooting guide

RGB and YPbPr mods!


More Info:
Link to the nesrgb page.
Link to the shmups thread where we’re all posting about it, tons of info and pics here.

Youtube videos of me testing and installing the NESRGB kit:

Old rgb options:

I’ve done 30 or more rgb consoles using the rgb ppu from a playchoice 10, but it’s rather expensive compared to the new kit from Tim.

If you get a hold of a Playchoice 10 arcade board or certain VS’s boards or games you can steal the RGB PPU and use it in an NES and have RGB out or component(YPbPr) and even s-video if wanted. The color palette is not %100 the same so there will be minor differences. There also seems to be minor glitches here and there, like just a short line of pixels acting up, but it’s not every game and not every scene on games that do show it. Also the jailbars are nearly impossible to get rid of, but not near the level of top loader rf output.

Here are some youtube videos I made of some of the testing I did with different rgb amps etc.
NES-101 Nintendo top loader – RGB – NJM2667 vs NCS2553 amps PLUS Component!
NES-101 Nintendo top loader – RGB – comparison of NJM2267 and CXA2075M amps on a SONY PVM-2030
NES-101 Nintendo top loader – RGB – AV multi out connector pt.1
NES-101 Nintendo top loader – ncs2553 RGB amp – more testing – working component video output!
NES-101 Nintendo top loader – RGB – AV multi out connector pt.2
NES-101 Nintendo Top Loader – RGB to Component – BA6592F Final

LED Mod:

An easy mod is changing the LED to a different color.


Region Free Mod:

Another easy cheap mod, simply cut and lift pin 4 of the lockout chip.


Since starting them in early 2012, i’ve done over 50 rgb or component NES consoles!

Painting ETC:

I do NOT do any cosmetic work for the NES. I just don’t have the talent or patience for such work.
However one of my customers did get one painted by CustomNESguy and it turned out great!


Replacing the 72 pin connector is so easy anyone can do it themselves!

I recommend Arcade Works’ Blinking Light Win:

Preventative Maintenance:

The are 9 electrolytic caps in the nes-001, but only 3 have ever caused me problems on the broken units i’ve fixed.
The main problem caps are in the power circuits, the big one, 2200uF, and 2 100uF caps.
It’s going to fail eventually, they are not made to last forever and caps in the power circuit get worked hard at higher temps.
This is the cheapest insurance that your nes will last another 25 years!

Here is a pic of what the image on the tv will look like when the power cap fails:


Youtube video proof of the problem and repair:

NES Accessory Mods:

I also do NES Dogbone controller mods: Prices for the services – controller not included:
$10 per controller for dogbone controllers, button indicators only.

Youtube video of the Dogbone LEDs mod in action: